Examples: Top 200 = top 200 most common english words; Quotes = 5000 quotes pulled from Typeracer

Examples: Both = Any word; Left = Only left-hand words; Right = Only right-hand words

Home Position
Examples: Off = Any word; On: Only home-position words

Examples: Min-length 5 / Max-length 7 = Only words/quotes with length of at least 5 and at most 7

Excluding Wordparts (n-grams)
Example: he he, st, en in on = If the word contains 2x "he" or an "st" or an "en" and "in" and "on" it's excluded.

Including Wordparts (n-grams)
Example: he he, st, en in on = If the word contains 2x "he" or an "st" or an "en" and "in" and "on" it's included.

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