
This site consists of a typing test as well as a words filter. The goal is to analyse your weaknesses at typing so you can work on making them your strengths.

Typing Test


The typing test features three different modes. Top 200 and Top 1000 let you do tests based on the most common english words. Quote lets you type a random english quote.


Correctly typed letters are colored green, incorrectly typed letters are colored red. Letters that haven't been typed yet are colored white.


At the bottom of the typing test you can see an analysis of your mistakes. The analysis shows your most mistyped letters, bigrams, words, and wordpairs

The 1st column shows your most mistyped letters.

The 2nd column shows your most mistyped bigrams. The bigram is based on your mistyped letters. If you make a mistake on a letter then the previous letter + the current letter will be counted as the mistyped bigram.

The 3rd column shows your most mistyped words.

The 4th column shows your most mistyped wordpairs. The wordpair is based on your mistyped words. If you make a mistake on a word then the previous word + the current word will be counted as the mistyped wordpair.

If you make more mistakes after your first mistake on a word/letter then the subsequent errors aren't counted towards your mistyped stats

Note: You can quickly refresh a test by pressing enter and if you want to retype the same quote, you can go back to the beginning with ctrl + a + backspace or you can just begin typing after ctrl + a since it works just like normal highlighting

Words Filter


The words filter lets you filter words based on certain rules that you can set yourself. Explanations or examples can be found in the words filter tab, as well as in the GitHub README. I recommend using your most mistyped letters or bigrams from the typing test to create similar words which you can then practice.

Note: The words filter returns a list of words separated by spaces. If you want to practice typing these words, copy the list, visit Monkeytype and paste the copied words into the custom mode. I recommend using the stats below the typing test to create typing tests based on those weaknesses.